Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Small fish, Big pond

The number of young Australian’s moving overseas for study or work has increased substantially in recent years, especially to the United Kingdom.  Many travel abroad for work, study or a holiday but some are there in pursuit of something more.  We talk to three young Aussies who travel abroad to chase their dreams…
There are many reasons young people move overseas. Usually, it is for a number of reasons such as family, love, work, study, or travel. But the deciding factor that pushes most to make the big move is the pursuit of a life long dream. For 26-year-old Brisbane fashion graduate, Aimee Kahl, it was a case of potluck that lead her to her dream job in London.
“I had always wanted to live and work overseas but never thought I’d have the guts to do it. On the suggestion of a friend of mine, I applied for a scholarship through the Queensland Overseas Foundation in 2011 and to my surprise I got it!” Aimee says.
By mid 2012, Aimee was living in London and she applied for a job as Production Coordinator for a quirky English brand called Lazy Oaf. After wooing the manager at her interview, she was given the job, and the rest is history.
“After a year, I still have to pinch myself everyday because I can’t believe how lucky I am to have such an incredible job in London, she says.
“On almost a daily basis, I get to meet and work with incredible, creative people who are endlessly inspiring.”
19-year-old Spanish born and Australian raised student, Jessica Lopez-Casas it seemed like a natural progression to study overseas. She had always wanted to go and study at The London College of the Arts and her admiration for the college soon turned into a dream that she just had to pursue… all the way to London. Jess says studying abroad was a once in a lifetime opportunity and a perfect resolution to her desires.
“My college immersed us in British culture and encouraged us to make the most of our studying abroad experience,” she says.

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